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He can't handle the truth

In my post, will-you-let-gls influence your vote this spring, I give three examples that illustrate the corrupt nature of its tactics.  Gary responded with this:

I'm always hesitant to publicize other websites, especially when we've already given my fan sites more publicity than they really deserve.  But, when I have 2 fan pages out there specifically dedicated to my greatness, I feel obligated. Here's a story in its entirety that epitomizes my local and I would argue regional influence (more people will see this story in 30 seconds here than will see it on the other site, period.)  and a list of guests I've had on my site or show, just in case you've missed any of them.

Here's a man with the self-granted responsibility of informing the public, yet his brazen response to being called out for his subversive nature includes his saying:

  • ...dedicated to my greatness.  
  • more people will see this than...the other site period.
  • a list of guests I've had on my site or show, in case you missed them.

He then goes on to attach a list of his blog show guests to my post.  The first two bullets are self-explanatory, but let's exam the third.   How did he perceive attaching a list of interviewed guests exonerated him from his bullying tactics?  Did he believe it elevated his status through association to others and therefore put him beyond reproach for inappropriate behavior?   If so, again, I hope the irony is not lost upon the reader.

Also, let's not forget what is not included - an apology to the wrongly accused, and need I say, humility.
As far as being referred to as a "fan of the site", check back next week for an in-depth response about that.

If our local blogging community is ever to pull ourselves out of the muck, we'll need a change in leadership.

We'll need a few good men.