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This spring, I'll be looking for signs of climate change

"And for all you whiners out there that complain about negative politics, get used to it." 

These were the words of garylsnyder as he eyed the mayoral election immediately following the fall elections of 2010.  One can only hope that following the events this January in Arizona, a different approach will be taken than the one predicted by the moderator of the site himself.

Will you let the Garylsndyer website influence your vote this spring?

Abbett, Buzzard, Carney, Ebersole, Fetters, Updike...

As the mayoral primary in Huntington nears, will you allow your vote to be influenced by the Garylsnyder website?   Consider the last fall's election for sheriff and some of Gary's techniques he employed to influence voters.

  • Humiliation and Intimidation of an opposing candidate and his supporters through disparaging remarks and photoshopped images.
  • Posting an article with circumstantial evidence of who I was. Persecution of  the falsely accused person by commentors on his site.  
  • Bringing up charges of an obscure Federal Law against the candiate he opposed. He then allowed commentors to say they would never vote for alleged law breakers.  Snyder has brought an era not unlike Witch Trials to modern times. (To note, the Federal Law in question has never been brought up again, suggesting no law was ever broken.)

Before the mayoral primary,  I believe it is important to ask oneself what is Garylsnyder's motive:  Is he attempting to create a better, more democratic landscape in Huntington, or does he seek power for himself? One need only look at the corrupt nature of his actions and remember that "power corrupts" to understand his motive.

One would hope the irony of using intimidation and persecution of the innocent while attempting to influence an election for sheriff is not lost upon the reader, either.

As a final note, I must admit I will be slightly influenced by the garylsnyder website when I vote for mayor. I will be wary of any candidate who advertises on, is endorsed by, or affiliates in any manner with the Garylsnyder website.

Post Script:  If you have read this on the GLS website, please be sure to read my retort, here.